Podium at the 2nd Elia Lesvos Confest 2024!

The 2nd International Olive Oil Conference-Festival, or Elia Lesvos Confest 2024, took place this year, and Podium was there to provide high-level interpreting services. This year’s conference, which is set to become an institution, took place in one of Lesvos’s most productive villages, Papados in Gera, at the emblematic venue of the Vranas Olive Press-Museum.…

The 5 types of interpreting you should know about

Unlike translation, which involves transferring written texts from one language to another, interpreting is exclusively about oral communication. Over time, the increasing need for human communication and the breaking down of geographical barriers through the development of technology bring about ongoing changes to the field of interpreting. As things stand today, we can distinguish between…

Podium attends the name-giving ceremony for the Fire Department’s two new fire-fighting vessels

A special ceremony was held at the Piraeus Port Authority, for the welcoming and name-giving of two (2) new fire-fighting vessels for the Fire Department; the event was attended by the Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, and the Minister of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection, Vassilis Kikilias. Podium was there to provide technical equipment and interpreting…

Podium at the conference titled “Environmental impact assessment and large birds of prey”

Podium provided interpreting services for a conference titled: “Environmental impact assessment and large birds of prey”, organized by the Forest Management Division of the General Directorate of Forests and Forest Environment, Ministry of the Environment and Energy. The conference was organized in the framework of the LIFE Bonelli eastMed project “Conservation & Management of the…